This paper investigates the idea that film might become an efficient way of intercultural communication and open dialogue between the nations. It uses a case study of indigenous filmmaking by a small Arhuaco community from Colombia, which emerged as a response to violence and displacement, and concluded in a golden era of the Arhuaco filmmaking in the region, with more far-reaching influence than initially expected. I examine the questions of the politics of representation, intercultural audiencing, the notion of the 'Other' and the question of 'translation' of concepts which are alien for the audiences of films made by the 'Other'. I also explore the issue of 'reversed audiencing' where people who were traditionally the subjects for Western filmmakers become their audiences, and they use this impulse as an initiative to self-represent themselves. Ultimately, this paper proposes that film as a medium can be of a universal value for the communication purposes. Ignoring the cultural divisions, film has a potential to bridge the gap between the nations. As such, it encapsulates the most effective way of intercultural dialogue, regardless the diverse backgrounds and aims of the creators and the audiences.
Author Information
Agata Lulkowska, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom
Paper Information
Conference: MediAsia2017
Stream: Film Direction and Production
This paper is part of the MediAsia2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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