Teaching writing is considered as the most difficult skill. However, one of the objectives of teaching English in secondary school in Indonesia, especially for writing skill is students are expected to be able to write descriptive text well and accurately. Therefore,an EFL teacher needs appropriate strategies in teaching writing to achieve this objective. One of excellent strategies which can be used is clustering technique. Clustering technique can help students in solving their problem in writing text, especially for generating and organizing ideas in planning stage.This study aims at capturing secondary students’ achievement in writing descriptive text by using clustering technique as a way in generating their ideas before writing. Experimental research method with pretest-post test design is applied in a class of twenty five secondary students. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. The result reveals that the mean score of the pretest is 5.7 and the score of the post test is 7.1 and the result of t-score is 4.9. The t-Value at the level significant 0.05 is 2.064 and at the level of significant 0.01 is 2.797 with the degree of freedom 24. Since, the result of t-test is higher than t-Value, the alternate hypothesis is accepted. In other words, there is a significant difference between pretest and post test score. It proves that the use of clustering technique is effective to improve students’ achievement in writing a descriptive text.
Author Information
Surya Asra, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Paper Information
Conference: ACLL2017
Stream: Learning Strategies
This paper is part of the ACLL2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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