This study aims to determine the relationship between interpersonal communication abilities of teachers and learning achievement students. The study used quantitative research methods conducted at Primary School (PS) in Sidoarjo. The population in this study were students PS Sidoarjo district in academic year 2014/2015. The sampling technique used was 100 students. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires and documentation. Methods of data analysis using statistical analysis of the correlation of product moment. The results of this study shows that the achievement of science subjects PS Sidoarjo has an average of 81.12. and there are three students who score below 75. The results of this study also indicate that learning achievement subjects of science influenced by interpersonal communication skills of teachers. The relationship between the two variables is positive means of mutual support. The higher the interpersonal communication skills of teachers, the higher learning achievement in the subjects of science and vice versa. If the interpersonal communication skills of teachers lower the learning achievement of science subjects will also be lower.
Author Information
Duhita Savira Wardani, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2017
Stream: Primary and secondary education
This paper is part of the ACEID2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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