While considerable interest has been accorded to evaluating the leadership effectiveness of school principals, rarely would research put focus on the things that enthuse or frustrate them in the course of acting in response to the call of educational accountability. As such, this qualitative study focused on an investigation of the hardships and milestones of principalship through a multiple case study of five public school principals with noteworthy personal and professional qualifications in Compostela Valley. Thematic analysis was used and was enriched by a cross-case analysis and evaluation of data gathered. Participant observation, annual implementation plans, leadership self-assessment questionnaire, and in-depth interviews were conducted. Findings revealed that joy of school principals included accomplishing plans, inculcating discipline, generating more instructional leaders, facilitating teacher promotion, credit for success, thriving collegial relationship, and increasing student promotion. On the other hand, the pains faced by school principals in relation to educational accountability were learning from criticism, indifference to teacher training, political game, leading change, dealing with failures and frustrations, being misconstrued, and professional jealousy. These themes disclose to us how school principals exert substantial effort to respond to their educational accountability which in turn may give them joyful or painful experiences as educational leaders.
Author Information
Ylcy Balicoco, Atty. Orlando S. Rimando National High School, The Philippines
Co-author's name will be added in the final paper...Ticket 54152
Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2017
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management and Administration
This paper is part of the ACEID2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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