Exploring Learning Performance of Using Different Scaffolding on Problem-Based Learning


The essence of Problem-based learning is to construct knowledge, to share knowledge, to approach their goal, and to solve the problems. However, in online collaborative construction environments, environmental changes and personal characteristics will considerably affect the effectiveness of the problem-based learning. Therefore, online instructors need to provide facilitations to help learners completed their learning tasks. In this study, our aim is to develop several strategies that employing scaffolding theory to facilitate online problem-based learning, Three types of scaffoldings are to be included: meta-cognitive scaffolding, procedural scaffolding, and blended scaffolding that integrates the first two. we take it to explore the learning performance of the different types of scaffolding. Google Site platform will be used to create the online constructive environment, the subject-matter for the problem solving instruction is electricity generation. The research subjects will be from fifth graders of selected elementary school. They will be divided into three groups: procedural scaffolding group, meta-cognitive scaffolding group, and blended scaffolding group. They will receive guiding information about the topic in the process, and they will learn related knowledge from problem solving. The method applied is to have learners discussing topics together then to complete the online group worksheets. We will evaluate their learning outcomes of three groups to analyze the differences of the three groups.

Author Information
Che Yin Hsiao, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Chang-Hwa Wang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Yu-Hsuan Chen, Taipei College of Maritime Technology, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACSET2016
Stream: Education and Technology: Teaching, Learning, Technology & Education Support

This paper is part of the ACSET2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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