School Engagement: It’s Influence on the Academic Performance of College Students


Academic success is influenced by many factors, one of which is student engagement that this study explored in relation to the academic performance of 2nd year college students of Lourdes College. Specifically, the study determined the students’ level of affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement using a standardized assessment tool; their level of academic performance measured in terms of grade point average; and which domains of engagement predict academic performance. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Findings reveal that that the students were highly engaged behaviorally, affectively, and cognitively and that they had satisfactory academic performance during the last school year. Findings further reveal that among the engagement domains, only the behavioral domain predicted academic performance; thus, schools have to provide students with school-related activities that encourage active participation and develop some learning skills and abilities.

Author Information
Adora Velez, Lourdes College, The Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2016
Stream: Education: social justice and social change

This paper is part of the ACE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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