Trieste/Crossroads of Cultures in Central Eastern Europe: Transformations/Contradictions and Continuities at the Italian Eastern Border


This paper aims to highlight some peculiarities of this border region contested between Italy and Yugoslavia where the ethnic differences, cultural and the geographical characteristics blend together in an extraordinary example of European multiculturalism. Thanks to its location, on the eastern border, the city has always played an important strategic role and exchange with the world of the Slavic peoples and Austria. For this reason, Trieste was one of the most important Italian cities, in particular, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century. His soul mixes Mediterranean and Central European characters and its harbor is the largest and most important of Italy, one of the most important maritime cluster in Europe. This has made and still makes Trieste a place of exchanges and meetings. But Trieste is a city that has been a refuge, a second chance and, at times, even an exile for many people who have come to live. This quality has made this city very lively and original and is evident in its urban fabric and in its monuments. Trieste is the mingling of Greek and Slovenes, Jews and Christians, of Austria and Italy, of invaders and fugitives, sea and Bora recounted in the books of Claudio Magris, Scipio Slapater and Laura Boschian. Trieste is a interlacement of art movements, literary, historical, social, geographical, natural and architectural, the paradigm of that which once was studied such as the famous "Mitteleuropa": and is now the complicated "plural society" in which we all live.

Author Information
Margherita Sulas, University of Cagliari, Italy

Paper Information
Conference: CITY2016
Stream: History, Anthropology and Archaeology

This paper is part of the CITY2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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