Is Education Transcending the Borders of Space, Identity and Culture?


This paper will explore the achievements of second generation Bangladeshi and Pakistani women in formal education. Education is a formal process that is bound by targets and choices made by students and parents from the curriculum. Formal education delivered through schools is the same for all. Yet we evidence disparities in the educational achievements. Bangladeshi and Pakistani pupils on average perform less well than White pupils at all stages of compulsory schooling (Bhattacharya, Ison, Blair,2003). “There has been limited critical examination of the probable impact of teachers’ attitudes, school provision and curriculum” on the performance of the children. Also, “negative stereotypes of Asian pupils, particularly girls, can lead to lower expectations for them by teachers” (Tackey et al, 2006, pg 48). The identity of the Asian pupils may determine the attitude of the teachers and determine their academic performance. Identity is not just about claiming to be an individual, it has to be sanctioned by ‘others’ in the society. “Power operates in and through the spaces within which we live” shaping an individual’s identity (Valentine and Sporton,2009 p.735-736). In the process of socialisation this element of power that lives with us in the form of family and school gives us an identity. The school has a major role to play in the socialisation of any child. My presentation will highlight the academic performance of the second generation Bangladeshi and Pakistani women and how identity, teacher’s attitude and socialisation impacts their educational achievements.My argument is whether education guarantees social justice.

Author Information
Sayanti Banerjee, University of Sussex, UK

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2016
Stream: Bi-cultural, bi-lingual and bi-national education

This paper is part of the ECE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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