The Influence of Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing on Organizational Innovation: The Chinese Case


This study proposes that social capital can manifest itself in the form of guanxi, trust, and norms. The concept of interpersonal relationships is discussed within the context of Chinese culture, embedding the guanxi concept into a conceptual model to further explore relationships among the three dimensions. A survey-based methodology is applied to collect data from 129 firms in Taiwan, and structural equation modeling is conducted to examine the hypotheses model. Then, we develop a social capital model to explore the potential of knowledge sharing, which may mediate the relationship between social capital and organizational innovation. The results show that guanxi is positively related to trust and norms. Additionally, social capital is positively related to knowledge sharing. The findings further indicate that knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between social capital and organizational innovation. Implications of analysis for theory and research are also discussed.

Author Information
Yu-Fang Yen, National Quemoy University,Taiwan
Jung-Feng Tseng, National Quemoy University,Taiwan
Hsing-Kuo Wang, National Quemoy University,Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACAS2016
Stream: Chinese Studies

This paper is part of the ACAS2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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