Encouraging the Creation and Adoption of Reading Culture: Panacea for Effective Language Learning


Central to every learning environment and by extension every community is how enlightened its members are. Reading is considered as one of the ways by which every member or community members get enlightened. A society that places premium on reading is a society that achieves greatness. Reading is embedded in a complex cultural network system of a society. It is a highly complex cultural system that involves a great many considerations beyond the decoding by the reader of the words of a text. It allows individual readers develop their understanding through sociocultural influences that inform the meaning the readers seek to construct. Through reading, individual readers construct an informal social network that could be described as �proto-community.� This paper looks into the relationship between reading and language learning or acquisition. It also comes up with ways communities can encourage the development, over time, of a reading culture that would have deep roots in the traditions of a given society especially in Saudi Arabia where reading is not seen as part of life or has been completely thrown away. It suggests ways teachers can encourage the utilization of space and time, the two integral components of culture, to adopt reading among learners so as to build in them a solitary act-an act that is constituted through interaction between the ideas of the writer and the brain of the reader. With this, learning takes place and language is eventually developed.

Author Information
Ibrahim Yabagi Mohammed, Jubail University College, Saudi Arabia

Paper Information
Conference: ECLL2016
Stream: Sociolinguistics

This paper is part of the ECLL2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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