Behavior of teachers in the achievement of educational goals has invisible complement known as teacher beliefs. In science education, the teachers’ beliefs are not left out in leading the students to have a strong belief of succeeding in scientific processes which includes; observing qualities, measuring quantities, sorting/classifying, inferring, predicting, experimenting and communicating. These skills involves in a system known as the science literacy which has become a well recognized global educational slogan and contemporary educational goal. In view of this, the study focuses on path analysis of the effects of science literacy and science process skills on pre-service science teachers’ efficacy beliefs. The study sample involved an intact class of pre-service science teachers in a college of education, south-western, Nigeria. The study answered two research questions in which teachers’ efficacy beliefs was predicted by science literacy and science process skills. There was an alternate role of being extraneous and predictors by science literacy and science process skills in the research questions. The data analyzed revealed significant relationship among the three variables which is greater between science process skills and teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Path analysis skewed towards the direction in which science literacy was the predictor of both science process skills and science teachers’ efficacy beliefs. The study was concluded on the need for pre-service teachers’ access to sources of positive experiences in teacher education. Intervention programs in teacher training were also raised for further studies to alleviate the teacher efficacy beliefs.
Author Information
O.E Ogunseemi, College of Education, Nigeria
A.A Ojo, College of Education, Nigeria
Paper Information
Conference: ECE2016
Stream: Education for sustainable development
This paper is part of the ECE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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