Tagubhang is a literary theory conceived through the inspiration of the continuous rendition and performance of the oral narrative tradition of the people of Partido, a culturally-rich district in Camarines Sur, Bicol Region, Philippines. It has been conceived upon the observation of the poetics of the oral narratives locally called as osipon, systematically collected in the study area. Tagubhang is a term originally used to refer to patchwork done by old folks as a form of repair to a torn garment. Such practice restores the garment and then of course continues living with its owner, in the same manner that its owner continues living with it. This practice is a statement of the people's identity whose culture is damaged by colonization, but ingenuity and creativity just help the people manage to cope up. In the oral narratives locally called osipon of this group of Bicolanos, tagubhang is seen in the narrative elements, the manner of rendition, and the purpose for telling the osipon. These impromptu improvisations sustain the life of the osipon and its survival to this day.
Author Information
Lourdes Lobis Nieva, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot, Philippines
Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2016
Stream: Arts - Arts Theory and Criticism
This paper is part of the ACAH2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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