Mediating Role of Resilience Between Health Anxiety and Psychological Well-Being: Study Among Medical Doctors in Aceh, Indonesia During Coronavirus Pandemic


During COVID-19 pandemic, medical practitioners especially doctors experienced a high prevalence of health anxiety. It is undeniable that this condition affects their psychological well-being, therefore they have to be more resilient in facing this high pressure environments. The aim of this study was to verify the mediating role of resilience between health anxiety and psychological well-being among medical doctors. The number of participants recruited was 338 medical doctors in Aceh Province-Indonesia, with 33.1% (n=112) men and 66.9% (n=226) women. The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, Short Health Anxiety Inventory, and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales were utilized in this study. Those scales have been tested with a high reliability of 0.93, 0.85, and 0.89, respectively. The data collected were analyzed with several regression analyses and the results proved that resilience plays a mediating role between health anxiety and psychological well-being. The mediation model had a good fit to the data, F(2, 335) = 132.66, p < 0.00. The adjusted R2 was 0.44, this meant that the model explained approximately 44% of the variation for the dependent variable. The standardized regression coefficient indicated that the mediator mediated the relationship between independent and dependent variable, β = 0.66, p = 0.00. The findings of this study extended previous researches and provided valuable evidence on the importance of mental health for medical doctors at the workplaces. Perhaps the results can benefit in developing the psychological skills training for them in order to reduce their health anxiety.

Author Information
Fatmawati, State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: ACSS2022
Stream: Psychology & Social Psychology

This paper is part of the ACSS2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Fatmawati . (2022) Mediating Role of Resilience Between Health Anxiety and Psychological Well-Being: Study Among Medical Doctors in Aceh, Indonesia During Coronavirus Pandemic ISSN: 2186-2303 – The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2022: Official Conference Proceedings
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