Category: Loneliness

Social Isolation and Resilience of Japanese Older Adults Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From a Qualitative Interview Study
We sought to investigate the responses of older Japanese adults to the COVID-19 pandemic, looking for latent references to social isolation in interviews that took place in April-May 2021, regarding their everyday activities and health both before and during the pandemic period. We performed a thematic analysis on coded interview transcript data acquired from 15 …

Hospital Social Marketing and Agenda Setting Research on Elderly Subjectivity
In response to the aging population in Taiwan, this study conducted a case study on a long-term care institution, specifically a nursing home. Utilizing the dynamics of interactive groups based on symbiosis and collaborative learning at the operational level of subjectivity, the research employed agenda-setting theory in activity design. A total of twelve residents and …

“Familycare”: Insights to Evaluation Results of a Mobile Dementia Coaching for Informal Caregivers
Familycare is an evaluation-project of the mobile dementia coaching, which is offered by a social organization in Carinthia, Austria. The aim of the program is to relieve the burden on family caregivers of people with dementia, to educate them through knowledge transfer and to prevent health risk factors. The research design of the evaluation is …

Silver-Haired Blind Date: An Exploration of the Remarriage Needs of the Elderly in Harbin
This paper explores the marriage needs of single elderly individuals in China’s growing aging population. It analyzes their tendency to remarry, including the ways and reasons behind it. Additionally, it examines the attitudes of their children towards their remarriage and the challenges that come with it. This study utilized social support theory and social exchange …

The State of Loneliness and Social Isolation Among Older Adults in Malaysia: A Scoping Review
Background: Social isolation/loneliness are negative feelings that can occur in any individual due to a lack of social contact or perceived dissatisfaction with relationships. When this occurs among older adults, higher morbidity and mortality ensues. This review identifies the prevalence, risk factors, and interventions for social isolation and loneliness among older adults in Malaysia. Methods: …

Matchmaking Algorithm as a Tool to Tackle the Aging-Related Social Network Shrink: Results and Recommendations From the Transdisciplinary HannaH Technology Development
This paper argues for the transdisciplinary conduct in the development of innovations in smart aging solutions based on the research results from the development of a matchmaking algorithm that tackles the aging-related social network shrink. The HannaH research team focused on developing the matchmaking algorithm that would support the exploration of new social contacts in …

Study of the Level of Solitude in the Elderly at the Yogyakarta Nursing Home
Aging and loneliness has been established widely. Loneliness has been studied from many different points of view and there is no unified definition (Muhumed, K & Cervinkova, M, 2011) Mainly, loneliness is thought as being stranged from others. (Killeen 1998, 763-764.) Feeling of loneliness most vulnerable seems to be adolescents and elderly people. Loneliness among …

Life Satisfaction Determinants of Older Adults with Disabilities – Hierarchical Regression Model for Abu Dhabi
This study investigates the factors influencing the life satisfaction of older adults with disabilities in Abu Dhabi. Drawing from 319 older adults (60+) with disabilities who participated in the Abu Dhabi Quality-of-Life (QoL) survey conducted in 2021, a hierarchical regression model was fitted, controlling for specific individual attributes. The significant model identified several life-satisfaction determinants …

Agrarian Capitalism and Later Life Loneliness: The Unheard Voices of Rural-dwelling Migrant Older Women of the Global South
Globally, feminised labour migration for agricultural work has increased. In the global south, agrarian capitalism has been associated with improved economic status and raised standards of living among rural populations. However, these benefits have not been evenly distributed among the diverse populations engaged in agriculture. To an extent agrarian capitalism has precipitated later life feminist …

Who Let the Dogs in’? Exploring the Potential for Developing Dog Projects With Older Prisoners
This original and ground-breaking interdisciplinary paper explores the potential for developing dog-based projects for older prisoners, drawing on perspectives from gerontology, penology and the growing body of research which highlights the positive benefits of animal-human interactions. The ongoing research on which this paper is based is timely, as many jurisdictions are experiencing rising numbers of …

Would Longevity Make Us Happier? Examining the U-shape in Happiness
Longevity issues have become an important social concern, since recent studies show that there is no upper limit for human lifespans. However, we could not obtain the unified conclusion as to whether happiness depends on age or not. There are many economic and sociological studies which follow Easterlin’s findings of a U-shape in happiness over …

Readiness for Decision Making towards End-of-Life Care among Unmarried or Divorced Middle-aged and Elderly Men in Japan
BACKGROUND: Previous research has found that 70% of patients cannot express their will at the end-of-life. Hospitals in Japan often demand patient’s family member to guess the will and speak for them, but unmarried and divorced men often have no relative of friends to support them. METHODS: Internet survey is conducted on February 14-24, 2020. …