Life Satisfaction Determinants of Older Adults with Disabilities – Hierarchical Regression Model for Abu Dhabi


This study investigates the factors influencing the life satisfaction of older adults with disabilities in Abu Dhabi. Drawing from 319 older adults (60+) with disabilities who participated in the Abu Dhabi Quality-of-Life (QoL) survey conducted in 2021, a hierarchical regression model was fitted, controlling for specific individual attributes. The significant model identified several life-satisfaction determinants of older adults with disabilities. These determinants touch on various aspects of life, the most significant ones being satisfaction with family life, mental feeling, satisfaction with the healthcare system, degree of attention (and passion) shown by others, the surrounding environment, and the negative feelings of being a burden on society. The study also reports the significance of many demographic data concerning the subjects. Hierarchical regression helps better understand the determinants of life satisfaction for older adults with disabilities; however, it does not precisely reveal the directions of associations between the dependent and independent variables. Therefore, a longitudinal study may be required to shed light on the underlying mechanisms of relationships surrounding life satisfaction. In addition, the outcomes could serve as insider intelligence for producing social programs and services to enhance the lives of older adults with disabilities in Abu Dhabi.

Author Information
Masood Badri, Department of Community Development & UAE University, United Arab Emirates
Mugheer Alkhaili, Department of Community Development, United Arab Emirates
Hamad Al Dhaheri, Department of Community Development, United Arab Emirates
Guang Yang, Department of Community Development, United Arab Emirates
Saad Al Yaaqeib, Department of Community Development, United Arab Emirates
Muna Albahar, Department of Community Development, United Arab Emirates

Paper Information
Conference: EGen2023
Stream: Loneliness

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon