Traditional Knowledge, Culture and Ecology of the Kajang Custom Area: An Ecosemiotics Study


The modernization of society may corrode and influence the culture prevalent in general, but it will not have the same effect on the culture of the Kajang traditional community. The urgency of this inquiry is prompted by the fact that Kajang remains unaffected by the passage of time. This research aims to explain (1) the philosophy of life of the Kajang traditional community, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia (2) the relationship between traditional communities and the ecology of the area. In order to address these three issues, we employ the semiotic trichotomy technique as proposed by Peirce (1966), along with the dialectal language ecology framework developed by Bang and Door (1993). Both are explained according to the realm of study between the culture inherent in indigenous communities and the language used by their speakers. The data collection methods used in this research are field observation, documentation, interviews and recording. Data was analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research show that the philosophy of life of the Kajang traditional community is to live very simply, have enough, preserve the surrounding nature, preserve culture, curb lust, and maintain morality. This is all based on the concept of 'tallasak kamase-mase', living simply. With ‘tallasak kamase-mase’ the community really protects traditional areas (forests, gardens) because the relationship between traditional communities is not only with the creator but also with humans and those who have died. Furthermore, the house structure of the Kajang traditional community is unique and full of symbols.

Author Information
Supriadi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Aceng Ruhendi Saifullah, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Eri Kurniawan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Muhammad Hasyim, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
Tadjuddin Maknun, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: BAMC2024
Stream: Linguistics

This paper is part of the BAMC2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Supriadi ., Saifullah A., Kurniawan E., Hasyim M., & Maknun T. (2025) Traditional Knowledge, Culture and Ecology of the Kajang Custom Area: An Ecosemiotics Study ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 149-157)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon