Category: Humanities – Science, Environment and the Humanities


Extreme Weather Impacts on the “Trabocchi”: A Case Study of Cultural Heritage and Climate Change in the Italian Adriatic Coast

Climate change is a global challenge that requires interdisciplinary approaches to understand and address its impacts. One of the impacts is the increase of extreme weather events in the Mediterranean Basin, which threaten the cultural heritage of the region. This study focuses on the effects of extreme weather on the “trabocchi”, a type of vernacular


Assessing the Responsibility of Project Leadership on Project Management Success in Global Multinational Organizations

Cultural diversity in the global environment includes different leadership competencies and organizational requirements. Project-based organizations with global expansion objectives have organizational cultures that challenge the project innovation environment, team efficiency, and project success opportunities in foreign contexts (Caligiuri & Tarique, 2012; Thamhain, 2013b). Environmental and cultural challenges increase the risks involved with the team-building process


Engaging With (Renewable) Technologies – Roadblocks and Triggers

Engaging with (Renewable) Technologies – Roadblocks and Triggers research aims at developing of new insights in relation to how existing familiar technologies influence peoples’ engagement with, and adoption of renewable technologies. The goal is to inform on potential ways of changing peoples’ behaviour and attitude towards adopting more sustainable practices in terms of producing energy