Assessing the Responsibility of Project Leadership on Project Management Success in Global Multinational Organizations


Cultural diversity in the global environment includes different leadership competencies and organizational requirements. Project-based organizations with global expansion objectives have organizational cultures that challenge the project innovation environment, team efficiency, and project success opportunities in foreign contexts (Caligiuri & Tarique, 2012; Thamhain, 2013b). Environmental and cultural challenges increase the risks involved with the team-building process and with aligning teams to organizational strategies. Cultural diversity challenges scholars and practitioners to reach consensus regarding the project leadership role and the appropriate leadership style within various cultural contexts. Each organization with a project structure that includes project owners, consultants, a project management office, and execution firms has distinct success criteria. Individual members’ cultural backgrounds within their performing organizations challenge the consensus between scholars on unified success criteria in global projects (Müller & Turner, 2010a & b). My focus in conducting this study will be to explore the impact of global projects on economic, social, and cultural environments. The study will contribute to the literature in several ways. First, the findings will enhanced the understanding of the additional constraints that affect success in global projects. Second, the focus on the complex adaptive systems theory (Wang, Han, & Yang, 2015) and the contingency theory (Van de Ven, Ganco, & Hinings, 2013) will contribute to the literature by providing practical implications of the theories on structuring temporary organizations. Finally, the study results will provide essential knowledge of stakeholders’ requirements in the selection of project leadership.

Author Information
David Mpettey, IIC University of Technology, Cambodia

Paper Information
Conference: IICAH2024
Stream: Humanities - Science

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