This paper aimed to analyzed the role and relationship between political party and political movement. In this case, we will analyzed the Thai Rak Thai Party and the Pheu Thai Party which are both of them dominated by Thanksin and Yingluck Shinawatra. Therefore, this paper found that both Thanksin who was a leader in Thai Rak Thai Party and Yinkluck who was a member and leader in the Pheu Thai Party are influenced and had a main role to dominated United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD camp) in political conflict since 2005 to present. Also both political parties is a part of UDD camp whose was demonstrated and occupied downtown Bangkok. Therefore, Thai political conflicts in 2005-2013 was a conflict between two big Thai political parties and demonstrators became as a tools for demanded against democracy rule.
Author Information
Jedth Duangsonk, School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University, Thailand
Suchada Saithi, School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University, Thailand
Non Naprathansuk, School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University, Thailand
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2017
Stream: Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
This paper is part of the ACE2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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