The paper focuses on the issue of Czech pre-graduate teacher training students' intercultural sensitivity within a comparative insight into the Czech educational system. The first part describes some of the most key concepts as well as documents related to intercultural and multicultural education in the Czech Republic, focusing recent development in this field. The latter part specifies methodological aspects of survey (2016) and key empirical findings; the main survey took place at the Faculty of Education University Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic). The main applied techniques include Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS, Chen, Starosta, 2000), and SPSS. There are employed descriptive, analytical and comparative views. Intercultural sensitivity is measured to the levels of interaction engagement, respect for cultural differences, interaction confidence, interaction enjoyment. The empirical findings are also compared to selected surveys using the same core of methodology.
Author Information
Daniela Vrabcova, University Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
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