Linking Supply on Demand of Indonesia Human Resource in Science and Technology on Perspective Black Swan Phenomenon


This paper discusses how the influence of the phenomenon of black swan in the development of human resource on science and technology (HRST) in Indonesia. The Black Swan phenomenon is highly improbable that is unpredictable and carries a massive impact. In fact, Indonesia was predicted to become a developed country in 2025 with GDP growth conditions in 2025 reached 9%. While the government is implementing policy that is linking the labor supply on demand through Indonesia National Qualification Frameworks (KKNI). Both of these issues become background of black swan phenomenon. Indonesia HRST model has developed by System Dynamics, with this approach black swan scenario and reference scenario could be compared. The model has main structure that is supply and demand sub models. Simulation models use to absorb the phenomenon black swan through targeted GDP growth scenarios as well as link and match that assumes that the average waiting time to get a job of HRST is 3 months. HRST model are particularly vulnerable to KKNI policy. It means to be a developed country, Indonesia should prioritize a policy in qualifying HRST supply on labor market, taking into account the effectiveness of link and match program which has been running at the moment.

Author Information
Indri Juwita Asmara, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia
Elmi Achelia, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia
Maulana Akbar, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia
Muhammad Tasrif, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2017
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management and Administration

This paper is part of the ACEID2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon