Tag: Law of Human Rights and Social Justice,


Legislative Measures Related to Community Rights in Thailand and ASEAN Countries

The objective of the research is to study the laws relating to community rights in Thailand and ASEAN countries, as well as the basic international principles of community rights, particularly concerning the problem of access to and search for biological resources and control over natural resources within local communities, and offer recommendations on how to


The Role of Environmental Organizations in Protecting Human Rights and Performing Social Justice in Indonesia

Mining activities carried out by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) may cause positive and negative impacts in developing countries, such as in Indonesia. The positive impacts of TNCs may enhance economic growth in Indonesia , on the other hand, the negative impacts of TNCs may cause environmental pollution and environmental degradation. The activities that have been done


Accessibility to Justice for Foreigners Before the Indonesian Constitutional Court

In 2007, the Indonesian constitutional court refused judicial review submitted by 3 Asstralian citizens. Those people have been sentenced to the death penalty before the Indonesian district court on abuse of drugs. The Australian citizens considered that death penalty stipulated in Indonesian Law regarding narcotics law violated their constitutional right, namely the right to life.


The Framework of Corruption As a Human Rights Violation and Its Implication to the Indonesian Penal System and Corrution Judicial

The Indonesian Anti Corruption Act perceives corruption is not only related to state financial loss, but also as a violation of economic and social rights. However, the formulation of penal system and corruption judicial decisions ignores this philosophical framework. Forms of criminal sanction and their impositions merely consider the rights of a suspect and eliminate


Justice for Psychopaths: Punishment or Therapy

Psychopathy is one of the most dangerous mental disease and provides a theoretical and practical challenge to the Criminal law and the Criminal Justice System. Mental diseases need to be explicable in reference to their severity and gravity specially having the instinct towards crime. Psychiatry and law approach the problem of human behaviour from different