Virtual Resource Rooms: Using Blogs to Share EFL Materials with Teachers and Students


The Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching has become more of an emphasis in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. On this teaching method, teachers need to deal with three aspects of the problem: management of classroom teaching, preparation of teaching content, and assessing the language learning outcomes. Management of classroom teaching is mainly related to managing student group interactive learning and the effective time management. Preparation of teaching content is mainly involved in the design of communicative teaching plan, and the use of multimedia teaching materials as an assisted instruction. The assessment of learning outcomes is mainly depends on the forms and methods of testing. The Communicative Language Teaching Method enhances students' ability of language application. Analysis of this teaching method will contribute to the implementation of classroom teaching and the improvement of teaching effectiveness, and it is applicable to the Chinese teachers' training. This article will explore three aspects mentioned above. The purpose is to let the Chinese teacher to master teaching skills and strategies of implementing the Communicative Language Teaching Method.

Author Information
Louise Ohashi, Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ACTC2013
Stream: Technology in the Classroom

This paper is part of the ACTC2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ohashi L. (1970) Virtual Resource Rooms: Using Blogs to Share EFL Materials with Teachers and Students ISSN: 2186-4705 – The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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