Final Year Students’ Perceptions of Global Citizenship and Responsible Behaviour: Implications for the Curriculum


Graduates should become culturally sensitive and gain an awareness of global issues to create a better world. This research article seeks to understand the perceptions of final year students towards global and responsible behaviour. It is imperative for final year students to understand the effects of globalization since globalisation affects citizens worldwide. Higher education institutions and workplaces are gradually becoming multiculturally diverse; therefore, identifying ways to implement global citizenship effectively into the curriculum is vital. Quantitative research was used to collect data from 250 final year students. The analysis of results revealed that graduates are not fully aware of the importance of global citizenship and responsible behaviour. Combining the perceptions of the students and what emerged from literature, the recommendation is that higher education institutions should strive to produce graduates with good global and moral behaviour so that they will be able to function well in every sphere of life they find themselves in. If these principles are taught intentionally, they are capable of changing students’ worldviews and promoting global cohesion.

Author Information
Beatrice Ngulube, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Paper Information
Conference: KCE2024
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the KCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ngulube B. (2025) Final Year Students’ Perceptions of Global Citizenship and Responsible Behaviour: Implications for the Curriculum ISSN: 2759-7563 – The Korean Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 541-547)
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