Infusing PERMAH into Education Courses: Effects on Pre-service Teacher Well-being and Social-Emotional Competence


This study examined the impact of integrating Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA) training into undergraduate Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology courses for 147 pre-service teachers in the Philippines during the post-COVID-19 lockdown. The intervention aimed to enhance pre-service teachers' well-being and social-emotional competencies (SEC) amidst unique pandemic stressors. Participants engaged in weekly online sessions, individual practices, and reflective exercises, emphasizing mindfulness, self-awareness, emotional regulation, gratitude, empathy, and positive relationships. Pre- and post-test data, using the PERMA Profiler and the Social and Emotional Competence Questionnaire (SECQ), revealed significant improvements in multiple PERMA domains (positive emotions, p < 0.01; engagement, p < 0.01; relationships, p < 0.01; meaning, p < 0.01; overall happiness, p = 0.02) and key SEC subscales (self-awareness, p < 0.01; social awareness, p = 0.02; self-management, p < 0.01). These findings highlight the importance of prioritizing well-being in teacher preparation programs, equipping pre-service teachers with tools to cultivate their own well-being and SEC, potentially enhancing their capacity to foster positive learning environments for future students.

Author Information
Desiderio IV Camitan, University of the Philippines, Philippines
Lizamarie Campoamor-Olegario, University of the Philippines, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: KCE2024
Stream: Mind

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon