Reshaping Church Offering and Sense of Religious Belonging After COVID-19: A Case Study Among Liberal Mennonites in the USA


This paper examines how liberal Mennonites attempted to reshape their sense of religious belonging as they move into new contexts after the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, many Mennonite congregations had to accommodate numerous changes, such as online and modified styles of Sunday services. Many members continued to be active in the congregation, but the pandemic provided them with opportunities to explore alternative ways to express their religious commitments. Focusing on religious offerings, this paper explores how congregants and church leaders endeavored to examine and transform their sense of religious belonging as they face post-pandemic situations. Many congregants continued to contribute financially and physically to various church activities before and after the pandemic but adjusting to the changed situations brought organizational tensions and stress. This led them to consider that simply returning to the pre-pandemic situation was not enough. Interviews with members regarding financial contributions suggested that the transition to post-pandemic contexts required time and intentional effort. Church members also made deliberate attempts to strengthen their connections with their congregation. Sunday worship themes and congregational discussions reflected their endeavors to reshape their religious belonging. Based on online and onsite ethnographic research among liberal Mennonites in the United States between 2020 and 2024, this paper examines their ongoing efforts to discern how best to respond to the shifting contexts as a faithful congregation and church members.

Author Information
Tomomi Naka, Tottori University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: KCAH2024
Stream: Religion

This paper is part of the KCAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Naka T. (2025) Reshaping Church Offering and Sense of Religious Belonging After COVID-19: A Case Study Among Liberal Mennonites in the USA ISSN: 2759-7571 – The Korean Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 309-320)
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