Generative AI Pedagogy Implementation in Design Class for Creativity Cultivation in Chinese Higher Education


Gen AI can provide collective knowledge beyond individual knowledge to allow people to connect with content beyond personal creativity. The emergence of Gen AI is a good way to help students think outside the box for creativity cultivation in design education. However, there is still a lack of teaching methods for creative training in Chinese design education with Gen AI integration. According to theory, in traditional creativity training, the association thinking, and critical thinking approach could facilitate creativity. However, the impact of these two methods on creativity training integrated with Gen AI is still unknown. Therefore, we proposed critical thinking and association thinking as pedagogy to apply in real design classes. The purpose of this research is to understand the students' experience and interpretations of Gen AI integrated creative training with pedagogies. Therefore, we employed qualitative-based methods like focus groups and interviews which included around 68 student participants and 3 teacher participants. The teaching intervention lasted for two weeks. Our findings show that (1) Teaching methods make it easy for people to integrate their ideas in the cultivation of creativity. (2) Without teaching methods, it's not easy for students to synthesise ideas with Gen AI. (3) Teaching pedagogy tools guide reflection and cultivate critical thinking.

Author Information
Yaqi Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Yilin Wong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Zaixing Liu, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China
Xiaojing Huang, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China
Henry Ma, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Paper Information
Conference: KCE2024
Stream: Teaching Experiences

This paper is part of the KCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Zhang Y., Wong Y., Liu Z., Huang X., & Ma H. (2025) Generative AI Pedagogy Implementation in Design Class for Creativity Cultivation in Chinese Higher Education ISSN: 2759-7563 – The Korean Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 503-510)
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