Even with the right to equal education set for all learners through inclusive education, it remains elusive in the Philippines. Teachers play a vital role in the success of inclusive education, highlighting the need to understand their self-efficacy and attitudes. This research aims to determine the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers and their attitudes toward inclusive education using the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices (TEIP) and the Multidimensional Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education Scale (MATIES). Forty-two pre-service teachers from the University of Rizal System College of Education, Morong Campus, participated. Results indicate that while pre-service teachers are generally confident in their self-efficacy for inclusive practices, there is a need for improvement in two areas: increasing acceptance of the critical and positive effects of other stakeholders and understanding different forms of disabilities to address learning-related issues. The multi-dimensional attitudes scale showed that pre-service teachers score well on the behavioral dimension, indicating a willingness to encourage, adapt, and modify approaches for inclusive education. However, scores were lower for the cognitive and affective dimensions, linked to the development of effective teaching methods and social-emotional skills, respectively. To improve these areas, it is recommended to implement and offer a Bachelor of Special Needs Education (BSNEd) program to provide comprehensive training and mastery opportunities for pre-service teachers, ensuring the proper realization of inclusive education.
Author Information
Jannie Manimtim, University of Rizal System, Philippines
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