In 2022, the end of quarantine gave way to a hybrid teaching model. Despite increased face-to-face contact, the conflicts of virtual education became more evident about specific professional competencies. These include isolation, lack of social interaction, problem management, difficulty maintaining discipline, motivation and autonomy. Therefore, this study aims to reinforce the learning of the theoretical subject of Design Management from the field study of manufacturing companies, strengthen professional competencies and include external actors as a teaching strategy. The study was conducted on 17 fourth-level Product Design students and 7 company cases during a year using quantitative and qualitative methods. Instruments such as interviews and surveys were conducted with students and employers, and the specific professional skills and academic skills acquired by the students at the end of the course were analyzed and compared using statistical methods. The results showed that students had significantly improved in specific professional competencies related to Critical and Creative Thinking, Context Mastery, and empathy with the business culture. There was also an essential initial development in teamwork and time management. In addition, there was a significant increase in academic competencies related to Reflection In and On Action demonstrated during class reflection sessions. In conclusion, the new perspectives on the Industry-Oriented Learning model suggest identifying the specific roles of each model actor within the learning activities and exercises. This suggests an initial strategy for increasing the company's involvement throughout the inclusive co-creation and co-participation learning process.
Author Information
Amparo Alvarez Meythaler, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Ecuador
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