Personality and Level of Mental Health on Career Adaptability Among University Students


The socialization that occurs during undergraduate education contributes to how faculty members understand their work as students. Thus, the nature of undergraduate student socialization deserves attention, has highlighted a wide range of important concerns and issues such as the changing academic achievements, career adaptability, and the experience of demographic groups in the academy. The research objective was to examine the relationship between personality, mental health, and career adaptability among university students. The quantitative survey methodology with random sampling employed data collection of 200 students at Sultan Idris Education University in Perak, Malaysia. The data of the study were collected by using the Career by using Big Five Inventory Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, and Career Adapt-Ability Scales and the personal information form. The results indicated a significant personality in gender (P=0.002), different educational background (P=0.000) and different majors (P=0.014). The students’ career adaptability of females is lower than the mental wellness males (P <0.05). The total score and ten factors’ score of correlated with career adaptability negatively (r=-0.217; -0.336). Therefore, it's crucial to promote positive mental health and fostering personality traits associated with career adaptability that can enhance students' capacity the career decision-making. In conclusions, university students’ career adaptability in the different groups, and take more consideration to the female students, junior students and student’s major. The implication of study suggested on personality traits as a basic training between specific mental health dimensions and career adaptability to provide target support for students' career development and well-being in campus.

Author Information
Mariani Omar, Sultan Azlan Shah University, Malaysia
Nurul Nadirah Shaharuddin, Sultan Azlan Shah University, Malaysia
Masitah Ab Jalil, Sultan Azlan Shah University, Malaysia

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2024
Stream: Mind

This paper is part of the ECE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Omar M., Shaharuddin N., & Jalil M. (2024) Personality and Level of Mental Health on Career Adaptability Among University Students ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 629-640)
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