Understanding how the Curriculum Integrates Visual Arts: An Informal and Formal Perspective


The Visual Arts curriculum is generally a euro-centric or western approach that only integrates a minimal Africanized approach that has mostly featured in some high schools in South Africa. This is in consequence to the gradual introduction and understanding of the subject into the South African school’s curriculum post-bantu education system. This article features an understanding of the term curriculum approach as this speaks to the integration of Visual Arts in the South African education curriculum. The curriculum applies in an informal or formal perspective that is, a general review of life or that is based on education in correspondence to Visual Arts. The result of this study presents an Africanized or de-colonized approach of a Visual Arts assessment that is displayed through instructional approach.

Author Information
Lindelwa Pepu, University of Zululand, South Africa

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2024
Stream: Arts - Teaching and Learning the Arts

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