This session will explore the ways in which AI is impacting the teaching of languages around the world. How will this new technology change how learners learn languages in the future? Will it make the learning process more active, or will students in the future rely passively on the software’s translation and composition capabilities? Will teachers manage to harness this new tool to create dynamic, active classes? Indeed, will language learning itself become redundant? The talk will draw on the British Council’s recent research report into AI and Language Learning. The study asked 1348 English-language teachers from 118 countries and regions to share the ways in which they make use of AI in their teaching, as well as their hopes and fears for the future. It also analysed in-depth interviews with a group of 19 practitioners and decision makers from a range of geographies, including, government representatives, researchers from higher education, and EdTech sector experts. The session will present the report and its findings before encouraging participants to comment and discuss these considering their own experiences. It is hoped that the report and the session will help practitioners adapt and prepare for a future in which AI will be a highly present part of language teaching and learning.
Author Information
George Wilson, British Council, France
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