The project 'From Madeira to Hawaii' stands as an innovative educational initiative that has stimulated creativity and historical research among students. It explores the late 19th-century migrations from Madeira Island to Hawaii. Grounded in the principles of Action Research (Elliott, 1991), the pedagogical process culminated in the creation of an Augmented Reality (AR)-enhanced comic book. This achievement represents a collaborative effort between students and published illustrators from Madeira Island, who seamlessly merged in-depth research, creative illustrations, and AR elements to bring historical narratives to life. Participants explored Madeira and Hawaii's 19th-century art and culture, enriching the AR publication with vibrant artistic and historical elements. This fusion stimulated creativity and fostered a comprehensive understanding of the historical context of the migratory journey. The project employed an interdisciplinary approach, echoing Philippe Meirieu's emphasis on active learning, blending history, art education, and technology. Through active participation, students enhanced their critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills, transcending traditional learning methods and embarking on an immersive, dynamic historical exploration beyond the classroom. This presentation aims to critically analyze the construction of the comic book and the pedagogical process undertaken. The project fostered a deeper appreciation for history, art, and technology among students, as evidenced by their increased curiosity and the independent pursuit of further historical research. As a testament to AR's transformative potential, 'From Madeira to Hawaii' represents a significant stride in nurturing creativity and innovation, harmoniously integrating technology with history and art education.
Author Information
Nuno Fraga, University of Madeira, Portugal
Roberto Macedo Alves, Conservatório - Professional School of the Arts of Madeira, Portugal
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Conference: IICAH2024
Stream: Arts - Other Arts
This paper is part of the IICAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Fraga N., & Alves R. (2024) From Madeira to Hawaii: Augmented Reality Enhancing Creative Historical Education ISSN: 2432-4604 – The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities – Hawaii 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 81-92) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2432-4604.2024.8
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2432-4604.2024.8
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