The Experience of Empathy in 10th Grade Students With the LGBTQ+ Community Through Narrative Transportation: A Qualitative Investigation


This research explores secondary school students' expreriences of empathy while engaging with a TV series featuring LGBTQ+ characters. The study, conducted with grade 10 students aged 15-16 in Japan, aimed to uncover perspectives through a generic qualitative inquiry. Thirty-one participants completed a reflection survey, leading to the identification of ten emergent themes related to 1) Enjoyment and Relatability, 2) Positive Impact and Learning, 3) Emotional Connection, 4) Respect for LGBTQ+ Struggles, 5) Inclusion of LGBTQ+ texts in Classroom, 6) Combatting Homophobia, 7) Applicability to Real Life, 8) Discussion Importance, 9) Changing Opinions, 10) Impact on Assumption. The investigation underscores the importance of LGBTQ+ media in education, specifically examining the impact of narrative transportation and empathy on social and cognitive aspects.

Author Information
Shawnee McPhail, Gunma Kokusai Academy, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2023
Stream: Mind

This paper is part of the ACE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
McPhail S. (2024) The Experience of Empathy in 10th Grade Students With the LGBTQ+ Community Through Narrative Transportation: A Qualitative Investigation ISSN: 2186-5892 The Asian Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 953-960)
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