Campus Wellness Program Design: The Practice of Public Schools


The Department of Education mandates and initiates initiatives that encourage student and teacher health, fitness, and wellness. The study examined the practice of public schools in designing campus wellness programs. This study applied qualitative research, specifically a case study design with primary data gathering via interviews. The three elementary and three secondary schools in one of the Divisions in Northern Mindanao, Philippines were the study respondents selected using stratified purposive sampling. From the interview results, different strategies emerged and were considered to make the program more effective and successful for the respondents, such as promoting healthy life through healthy habits, wellness dimension activities, promoting stakeholders' engagement, and stakeholders' needs for design by content. Whereas proper planning, partnership with the stakeholders, monitoring and evaluation, result-based success indicators, capacity development of program holder, and sustainability were the themes that emerged in the design by the process.
Further, the limited resources, lack of training, problems with external stakeholders' engagement, negative attitude towards the program, poor planning, unsustainability of the implementation, and poor accessibility were the respondents' perceived challenges and difficulties in the performance of the campus wellness program. The Department should be serious in looking out for the welfare, specifically the wellness of its learners, employees, and stakeholders, a wellness program should be considered, one of the priority programs to be implemented.

Author Information
John Franklin Dresser, Department of Education-El Salvador City, Philippines
Anna Mae Atillo-Dresser, Department of Education-Northern Mindanao, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2024
Stream: Educational policy

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon