Development of a Holistic Sexuality Education Model for Children with Special Needs


Inadequate sexuality education provision caused by negative connotations surrounding sexual health perpetuated major social issues that affect the community of persons with disabilities. To address this issue, a study was conducted to explore stakeholders' perspectives towards developing a holistic sexuality education model for Malaysian children with special needs. The study adopted a multiple case study design through interviews and observations, involving 33 parents, educators, professionals, service providers, and policy-makers respectively from three regions in Malaysia. Based on the results, a holistic sexuality education model consists of five components was developed namely, a) Input, referring to knowledge, attitude and skills to be imparted from contexts to SEN children; b) Contexts and Determinant Factors, referring to places and stakeholders that SEN children learn from, with the requirement of continuation across contexts and depending on culture and stakeholders’ existing knowledge, attitude and skills; c) SEN Child, referring to readiness of the child such as mental and chronological age, diagnosis and needs, strengths and interests; d) Content and Delivery, referring to themes and respective topics that has to be progressive and taught concurrently, delivery methods which include instructional strategies and materials; and, e) Output, which are demonstration of learning outcomes such as self-awareness, self-management and self-expression and protection by SEN children. The holistic sexuality education model can be fully utilised as a framework to guide further module planning, decision-making and implementation of sexuality education for children with special needs from the grass-root and the top-down level.

Author Information
Sau Cheong Loh, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Yan En Koh, Dika College, Malaysia
Jee Ching Pang, SEGi University, Malaysia
Azmawaty Mohamad Nor, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Yan Li Siaw, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2023
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon