As part of a teaching experience in Higher Education, this communication aims to share a set of active learning strategies, using technologies, adopted in a Portuguese as a Non-Native Language speaking subject, composed by 14 Chinese students, enrolled in a bilateral partnership (China-Portugal). Due to constraints arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, and for a period of one year, 4 of the 14 students are in China. They have distance learning classes. The remaining students attend presential classes, in Portugal. The strategies adopted result from the imposed teaching modalities, but also from the fact that these learners are the product of the traditional Chinese teaching model, which often leads to misinterpretations; and that there massive cultural differences. In this teaching practice, we aimed to assess quantitatively, in each of the eight planned activities, 1) whether the students are satisfied with the active learning strategies adopted, using technology, and 2) what kind of difficulties arise during the execution of each activity. It has been noticed that there is a general satisfaction in each activity, particularly because there is more interaction and oral production, but some refer constraints to work in groups or do not remember vocabulary, limiting them while interacting. It has been observed, however, that there is a widespread dependence on digital translators (voice and writing), and this is one of the great challenges that we have tried to overcome with active learning strategies.
Author Information
Joana Carvalho Marques, IPLeiria, Portugal
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