Transformative Internationalization Processes in Ibero-American Higher Education Institutions


Since the beginning of the 21st century, the internationalization of higher education has become a central concern in institutional agendas, due to the geopolitical changes, dynamism and diversity of the global context, which has generated diverse ways of understanding and focusing internationalization processes and actions. In this context, the internationalization dynamics of nineteen Ibero-American higher education institutions (HEIs) are analyzed in terms of their understandings, trajectory, functioning, capacities-needs, interculturality and the impact of COVID-19. This collaborative qualitative research shows that internationalization from a transformative perspective is an emerging perspective implemented in HEIs that helps to consolidate policies and plans that mainstream internationalization. This approach allows to achieve a greater impact of actions at the institutional level and in the educational community in a diverse and asymmetric group of HEIs.

Author Information
Alba Lucy Guerrero Díaz, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Alberto Flórez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Alejandra Bolivar, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

Paper Information
Conference: ERI2023
Stream: International Education

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon