Social Presence and Engagement: A Design-Based Research Study to Incorporate Web 2.0 Protocols


Increased social presence in asynchronous courses has shown to lead to student success and improved learning experiences. However, many students still lack social presence in asynchronous courses. This study utilizes educational design research (EDR) methods to frame an investigation into the issues and potential solutions for the lack of social presence in asynchronous online courses. EDR methodological framework is used to suggest a process for change via a social negotiating process drawing upon theoretical resources and practitioner participation. This study aims to explore how social presence can be established through an initial personal learning network activity to build trust and interaction among peers to address student and teacher connections, engagement, and the development of social presence. It describes the initial stage of EDR with an analysis and exploration of literature potential use of computer-supported collaborative concept map Web 2.0 found in a literature review. The Community of Inquiry framework is used as a theoretical basis to understand social presence, which consists of emotional expression, open communication, and group cohesion. Group cohesion, where trust and interaction occur by setting up the learning environment with opportunities for interaction and collaboration, is considered to potentially enhance student satisfaction and learning outcomes. The results of this study contribute to the understanding of how social presence can be established in online learning environments and inform the design of online courses to enhance student engagement and satisfaction.

Author Information
Joseph Peters, University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States
Patrick Agullana, University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States

Paper Information
Conference: IICE2023
Stream: Learning Experiences

This paper is part of the IICE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Peters J., & Agullana P. (2023) Social Presence and Engagement: A Design-Based Research Study to Incorporate Web 2.0 Protocols ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2023 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 853-863)
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