This session will share the continuous improvement process leveraged by the University of Arizona Global Campus’s Academic Operations department to carry out faculty focused system and process initiatives. The focus will be specifically on the design, development, and implementation of a new adjunct faculty compensation model the university launched in October of 2021, and the continuous improvement process leveraged to evaluate and collect feedback from faculty and staff which helped make informed decisions on planned improvements to the model for the next fiscal year. The presentation will conclude with a full breakdown of the phased approach for implementation and an outline of the next steps we are taking to implement the feedback collected. Included will be a review of current data reporting structures being created to better support the evaluation of the changes being made as we continue through the continuous improvement process again.
Author Information
Bryan Aylward, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States
Cassie Hurst, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States
James Moreno, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States
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