Night Owl vs Early Bird: Students’ Study Habits, Learning Styles and Academic Performance


Chronotypes refer to a specific period for people to wake up and sleep. Students with different chronotypes could have distinct learning styles and study habits. The different preferred ways of learning would also impact their academic performance. Every student’s learning capacity and learning habits should be taken into consideration to be able to receive effective education. This study explores the relationship of chronotype, known as a night owl and early bird, with learning style, study habits, and academic performance among university students. A mixed-method approach using survey design has been utilized in this research. The researchers also employ the triangulation method to understand the existing phenomena more deeply and provide a better framework for the study. The study population was composed of 300 students randomly chosen from Wenzhou Kean University. The result of this study can contribute to the university by developing some policy programs suitable to the study habit and learning styles of students. This research can be helpful for teachers to adjust their learning contents and teaching pedagogies within different periods. The study findings can influence students’ decision to develop their academic studies to maintain better physical and mental health while also performing well in their academic life.

Author Information
Rosalie Muertigue Palaroan, Wenzhou Kean University, China
Xiangyu Li, Wenzhou Kean University, China
Jing He, Wenzhou Kean University, China
Yinjing Lin, Wenzhou Kean University, China
Yimeng Zhao, Wenzhou Kean University, China

Paper Information
Conference: IICAH2023
Stream: Arts - Teaching and Learning the Arts

This paper is part of the IICAH2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Palaroan R., Li X., He J., Lin Y., & Zhao Y. (2023) Night Owl vs Early Bird: Students’ Study Habits, Learning Styles and Academic Performance ISSN: 2432-4604 – The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities – Hawaii 2023 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 283-293)
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