Mathematics anxiety is a problem that continues to plague students. As the pandemic has forced us all to the online plane, how do students deal with their anxiety? This mixed methods research looked into the anxiety levels of 112 Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students, the reasons for their anxiety, and the coping strategies they employ to deal with it. It was found that students had an overall neutral disposition towards anxiety, that anxiety level gradually increases as age increases, and that sex does not affect anxiety level. The following were identified as reasons for their anxiety: differences in discussions and activities, difficult lessons with short time discussions, teachers’ expressions, incorrect answers, numbers and variables, and level of comprehension. The coping strategies found were the following: taking timeouts, asking questions in class, organization of notes and schedules, meditation, a strong support system, cooling down, positive self-talk, eating, further studying, and the mantra, “It is what it is.” Further studies on effectiveness of coping strategies ought to be undertaken.
Author Information
John Carlo Unson, University of the Cordilleras, Philippines
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