ePortfolios involve students producing and compiling artifacts that represent their learning and are accompanied by metacognitive reflection. They help students self-assess content mastery as well as monitor and improve their learning. ePortfolios are a high impact practice (HIP). HIPs encourage deep learning and support the development of employer-valued 21st century skills such as oral and written communication, teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving, working with those different from themselves, and real-life application of knowledge. The benefits of team ePortfolios, in which students assign roles and tasks, create artifacts, reflect on their learning, evaluate their teamwork skills, set goals, and monitor progress have not been extensively researched. This session expands current knowledge by exploring the impact of team ePortfolios in a business management course offered across delivery modalities. It illustrates how various HIPs and their underlying elements (e.g., high performance expectations; investment of time and effort over an extended period of time; experiences with diversity; frequent, timely, and constructive feedback; reflection; real-world application; and public demonstration of competence) were designed into the course. It demonstrates how to sequence learning through teamwork, application, and reflection to help students build the knowledge and skills for a culminating community-based project. The presentation also shares self-reports of student learning based on reflections. The reflections were analyzed using UNESCO’s pillars of learning—learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together, which reflect 21st century employer-valued skills. The study demonstrates the integration of HIPs to engage students and help them acquire critical learning outcomes.
Author Information
Maureen Andrade, Utah Valley University, United States
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