Students’ Perceptions of a Designed Online Asynchronous Learning Activity Regarding the Community of Inquiry (COI) Framework


The COVID-19 pandemic situation is causing a rapid shift in higher education to be an online instruction or distance learning. This sudden change forces instructors around the globe to transform or re-design an offline course to be online instruction. In order to design an online course effectively, the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has become the main paradigm for distance learning in the past two decades. In this study, the online learning modules have been designed in an asynchronous environment for graduate students (N=9) in the second half of the Psychology for Teachers course. The learning activities compose of five modules, in each module students were required to complete learning activities including answering survey question(s), self-studying from posted video clips, group discussion of key questions, and performing an individual writing task. After finished the course, the CoI questionnaire was used to investigate students’ perceptions of learning activities in three elements: teaching, social, and cognitive presence regarding the CoI framework. The result shows that the well-organized online learning activities in an asynchronous environment can reflect teaching, social, and cognitive presence according to the CoI framework. The findings can be utilized for the designation of an asynchronous online learning module embedded with learning activities that support the CoI framework more effectively.

Author Information
Prempree Duangpummet, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Pirom Chenprakhon, Mahidol University, Thailand

Paper Information
Conference: OCE2020
Stream: Adult

This paper is part of the OCE2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Duangpummet P., & Chenprakhon P. (2021) Students’ Perceptions of a Designed Online Asynchronous Learning Activity Regarding the Community of Inquiry (COI) Framework ISSN: 2436-1690 The Osaka Conference on Education 2020: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 101-113)
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