The Influence of Self-determination on Mastery Experience in a Creativity Game-based Learning


Creativity refers to the process of generating contextually or culturally original and valuable products. This study aimed to develop a self-determination (SD) focused Digital Game-based Learning System for Creativity (DGLSC-SD-A) for 3rd and 4th graders and, further, to investigate the relationship between self-determination and mastery experience. Eighty-two 3rd and 4th graders participated in this study. The DGLSC-SD-A was composed of a story entitled “Searching for the clown’s color balls” that was connected by important festivals in Chinese and American culture; it included nine games, ranging from 10 minutes to 15 minutes for each game. Moreover, the employed inventories were the Inventory of Self-determination in Digital Games (ISD-DG) and the Inventory of Mastery Experience in Creativity Digital Games (IME-CDG). With 9 games in total, the participants completed their learning in five classes within a week. The results showed overall significant SD-experience effect on mastery experience, Wilks’ Λ = .545, p < .001, ηp2 = .455. The followed ANOVA revealed significant SD-experience effects on “ability to solve problems” and “confidence of solving problems”, F(1, 81) = 47.646, ηp2 = .372, and F(1, 81) = 64.934, ηp2 = .448, ps < .001. The results suggest that the real experience of SD after game playing can better predict pupils’ achievement of mastery experience of creativity than the needs of SD before the game playing.

Author Information
Yu-chu Yeh, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Ngoc Phung Sai Sai, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Chia Hu Chuang Chuang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: SEACE2020
Stream: Design

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon