In light of developments and emphasis in technology-enhanced teaching and learning in recent years, connected, yet often overlooked, is the need for teacher education training to equip teacher candidates with the necessary technological skills and pedagogical content knowledge for preparing technology-enhanced lessons. Without adequate training, it is difficult for pre-service teachers to plan effective lessons and to interpret students’ actions and difficulties during the lessons due to their lack of classroom experience, especially when implementing technology-enhanced pedagogies. This paper discusses the design of technology innovation and its potential for supporting teacher noticing in teacher education programmes, especially in the context of technology integration. Specifically, it explores the use of an instant video-commenting feature built into an online course management system and the accompanying blended learning activities which aim to: (1) assist and improve pre-service teachers’ noticing skills, (2) enhance video engagement in blended classroom teaching and learning, and (3) facilitate in-class discussions of pre-service teachers’ noticing of classroom episodes in which technology was integrated into the lessons. It was found that pre-service teachers demonstrated solid noticing skills and high fluency in describing subtleties of the classroom episodes. It is concluded that the designed blended learning activities with reflective video-based teacher education course materials address pre-service teachers’ technological and pedagogical content knowledge in underpinning successful integration of technology in mathematics classrooms. Other findings from a pilot implementation, affordances of the innovation in relation to providing individualized noticing and formative assessment, and potential research direction in teacher education will be discussed.
Author Information
Oi-Lam Ng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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