Aim: Despite many implementation research, the prevalence of excessive body weight among children is constantly increasing. Therefore, new determinants of body mass index (BMI) are sought. One of the models that provides knowledge in this context is Homeostatic Theory of Obesity (Marks, 2015). This theory has not been verified empirically among children. Thus the purpose of this study was to verify the impact of maladaptive eating behaviours on BMI, body dissatisfaction and quality of life in children.
Method: Two hundred and three children (50.74% girls) took part in the study. The mean age was 11.06 years (SD = 2.31) and BMI was 18.27 kg/m2 (SD = 2.29). The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ-R13), The Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Contour Drawing Rating Scale were completed. A structural equation modeling was used to verify the relationship between restrained eating, uncontrolled eating, BMI, body dissatisfaction and quality of life.
Result: Our findings showed that the goodness of fit is adequate (χ2(2) = 1.40 p = 1.46; RMSEA = .04 p = .41; GFI = .98; SMRR = .04). Focusing only on significant relationships: (a) the higher restrained eating was, the greater uncontrolled eating was, (b) restrained eating was positively related to BMI and body dissatisfaction, (c) the quality of life was negatively associated with body dissatisfaction.
Conclusion: It turned out that the particularly important determinant of children's BMI are maladaptive eating behaviours in the form of restrained eating.
Author Information
Kamila Czepczor-Bernat, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland
Anna Brytek-Matera, University of Wroclaw, Poland
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