The role of General Education is to equip students with basic knowledge, to understand the relationship between one science and another, to teach how to apply human knowledge and experience universally, so that it will enhance mutual understanding and respect for human beings. One of the challenges in General Education learning in higher education is to improve the ability of student’s knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is usually not something normal, humans tend to hoard knowledge and perceive suspicious knowledge from others. In this context General Education course should strive to foster the habit of sharing knowledge in order to become the character of students as young intellectuals. The use of Blended Learning in General Education course will provide opportunities for students to share knowledge online. But the experience of using Blended Learning at Indonesia University of Education, online forums is nothing more than an empty framework because it is considered to have insufficient knowledge and is needed by students. This study seeks to find ways to improve the Online Knowledge Sharing Character (OKSC). In this paper we view that OKSC is influenced by intention factors, self-efficacy, social interaction, and technological satisfaction factors.
Author Information
Dasim Budimansyah, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
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