This descriptive developmental study determined the effect of Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Lessons in Biology to the Grade 10 students’ performance. It focused on the developed Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Lessons, jurors’ evaluation of the Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Lessons in terms of competency-based, process skills involved, inquiry-based and cooperative learning strategy, and its effect on students’ conceptual understanding, process skills and metacognitive awareness. The respondents were Grade 10 students of Taysan Resettlement Integrated School, Legazpi City, SY 2018-2019. The researcher employed a pre-experimental research design particularly a pretest-posttest design. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized in analyzing the results in the lesson implementation. The qualitative data were obtained from the students’ journals and remarks of the teacher-observers in the affective process skills observation sheets. In the quantitative method, data were obtained from the jurors’ evaluation on the developed Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Lessons for Grade 10 Biology, pretest and posttest scores and the students’ response in the metacognitive awareness inventory. Mean gain and t-test were used for statistical rigors. Results show that the six Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Lessons were deemed excellent by the jurors. This means that the jurors were convinced that developed Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Lessons were of high quality and the four features were evident and commendable in the developed lessons. There were improvements in the conceptual understanding, process skills and metacognitive awareness of students supported by positive mean gain scores and the positive remarks given by the teacher-observers on student’s affective process skills during the conduct of the study.
Author Information
Ma. Sharlyn Navia, Bicol University Graduate School, Philippines
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Conference: ACE2019
Stream: Educational Research
This paper is part of the ACE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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