The Discussion of Still Frames and Motions on Timing Value: A Case Study of Some Awards Best Animated Shorts


The sense of accomplishment is seeing these still images come alive in the linear spatial reality in which we live, the restored concept of time reenacted amid stop-motion frames brings about the static consecution and dynamic reconstruction of moving images. Amid stop-motion frames where time can either pause or move forward, we are given a chance to rethink the definition of the recurrence of temporal consciousness. Therefore, in addition to the physical definition of time, the sense of time reshaped in space and the space constructed in time mark the instant when animated life is created. Within linear time structure, animated life and actual noumenon often form multiple overlapping senses of present space-time amid the spatiotemporal cycle of reconstructing and retracing past time and memorized moments aroused by the subconsciousness. This research essay focuses on exploring and expounding on the observation of temporal flow and spatial sense through frame by frame, as well as the observation of infinite from memory and memory points through life. The illusions created still images and frames and existing in space and time, and by discussion the subject of time-space and ponder the extension of image structures to satisfy viewers at a spiritual level. In addition, an echo can be aroused in viewers with the universal value of human activities, so that the viewers can gain an insight into this subject matter.

Author Information
I-Chun Liu, Shih Chien University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: EuroMedia2019
Stream: Visual Communication

This paper is part of the EuroMedia2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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